Page 66 - 2019 Hachik Product Catalog_Neat
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    New for 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Filters

    • Internet Protected Products
         • Energy Star Rated Variable Speed Pump • Highflo Plus Pumps

          • In-line and Off-line Chlorine Feeders • CrystalPro Filter System

      • Retail Friendly Packaging

      • Cost Saving Heat Pumps

   Filters | Pumps | Filter Systems | Heat Pumps | Chlorine Feeders
   Salt Generators | Robotic Cleaners | Air Blowers | Cover Pumps

          • Complete line of Internet Protected Pool Equipment
          • Increased profits, less competition
          • A-la-carte Marketing Support: Literature, Banners, Decals
          • Energy Saving Products

   This exclusive brand drives customers back to your company for service and support!
                                                                                                               Select Products
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