Page 100 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 100
Chapter Three
1 1 1 1 Chochma/Sophia called to Eve saying 1 2 You are not alone in in in the task of being a a a a blessing 1 1 3 At any given moment there are thirty-six lovers of Wisdom1
1 4 awake to Me as Shekhinah the Manifest Feminine Presence of YHVH 1 5 and acting in in accord with the Seven Pillars of My Way 1 6 Eve said “Tell me more about them Mother ”
1 7 Chochma/Sophia said 1 8 They are called Lamed–Vavniks the Thirty-Six and 1 9 Tzadikim Nestarim hidden saints
1 1 10 because they operate quietly without bringing attention to themselves 1 1 1 11 They exist in every species species for the benefit of all species species 1 1 12 Your concern is with humankind
1 1 13 for they have the the power to dominate all life2
1 1 14 and to nurture all life 3 1 1 15 Your task task and the task task of all who love Me 1 1 16 is to promote nurturing rather than dominating 1 1 17 Eve asked “What is is the the law the the Lamed–Vavnik is is to follow?”
1 1 18 Chochma/Sophia said 1 1 19 They follow no law law for all laws can be twisted in service to the lawmakers 1 20 Their Way Way Way is the the Way Way Way of of Adoration: the the Way Way Way of of seeing Me in in all things things as all things things 1 Talmud Tractate Sanhedren 97b These thirty–six individuals are called lamed-vavniks after the two Hebrew letters that comprise the number thirty-six: lamed/30 and vav/6 The Yiddish suffix “nik” gives us the notion of Thirty-sixers 2 2 Genesis 1:26 3 Genesis 2:15