Page 102 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 102
1 40 seeing each interdependent with the the other and both as Me 1 1 41 A Lamed–Vavnik knows that she must be for herself 1 42 for if she does not see see to her own flourishing no no one else will see see to it for her 1 43 And she she knows that if she she is only for for herself and not also for for the flourishing of others 1 44 she misunderstands My Nature as both self and and other 1 45 and betrays the promise of her humanity 8
1 46 A Lamed–Vavnik looks to be for both self and and other in this and and every moment 9
1 47 It is the the work of of the the Lamed–Vavnik to become an instrument of of moral action 1 1 48 an an instrument ultimately of love and justice 10
The promise of of humanity is is is to to be the caretaker and protector of of nature: Genesis 2:15 9
Pirke Avot 1:14: Hillel taught “If I I I am am not for for for myself myself who will be for for for me? And if I I I am am only for for for myself myself what
kind of person am I? And if not now when?”
Verses 48-49 Jacob Needleman Why Can’t We Be Good? New York: Tarcher/Penguin 2007 p 222 102