Page 104 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 104

Chapter Four
1 1 1 1 Eve asked “Is a a a a a a a a a Lamed–Vavnik Lamed–Vavnik always a a a a a a a a a Lamed–Vavnik?”
1 2 Chochma/Sophia said 1 3 There are always thirty–six people being a a a a a a blessing at any moment 1 4 but no one is a a a a Lamed–Vavnik all the time 1 5 People step into and out of being a a blessing depending on their level of attention 1 6 When one steps steps out another steps steps in in in to maintain the the number thirty–six 1 7 the minimum number needed to keep humanity from imploding
1 8 under the weight of its own ignorance arrogance greed fear anger and violence 1 9 Eve asked “What is the sign of a a a a a Lamed–Vavnik?”
1 1 10 Chochma/Sophia said 1 1 1 11 There are three such signs: an an an open open mind an an an open open heart and an an open hand 1 1 12 Eve said “Tell me Mother about the the the sign of the the the open mind ”
1 1 13 Chochma/Sophia said 1 1 14 An open mind mind is a a a mind mind free from constricting narratives
1 1 15 that pit person person person against against person person person and person person person against against planet 1 1 16 a a a a a mind free from alienation and isolation 1 1 17 A Lamed–Vavnik knows each human being is a a a a a a part of the Whole 1 1 18 Sadly most human beings see themselves apart from the Whole 1 1 19 They experience themselves their thoughts and feelings
1 20 as something separated from the rest—
1 1 21 a kind of of delusion of of consciousness 1 22 This delusion is is is a prison for them 104

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