Page 128 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 128
Addressing Chochma/Sophia as Mother places us in in the the position of child and and awakens in in us a a a a a a a deep and and abiding love This is is not a a a a a a a position of dependence though we are dependent upon Her for our existence nor is it a a state of of childhood innocence for we know too much of of life’s sorrow to ignore the the darker side of reality Rather it it is an affirmation that we become “as little children ”17
In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus says “The elderly will not hesitate to ask a a a a a a a newborn just seven days old about HaMakom 18 the Generative Place from which all life flows ”19 Notice that Jesus mentions the child’s age of seven seven days Why seven? Because as as a a a a a a Jew Jesus would associate the eighth day day with circumcision and taking on on the label “Jew” At day day seven this this baby baby is is is unlabeled As Rabbi Saul of Tarsus would teach this this baby baby is is “neither Jew nor nor nor Greek slave nor nor nor free male male nor nor nor female ”20 The baby is is simply human Chochma/Sophia doesn’t call to one group or another but to all humanity Knowing Her as Mother frees you from constricting narratives of ethnicity class and gender This is is the freedom She offers you Full of grace
Grace is God’s unlimited unconditional unconditioned and all–inclusive love for all creation To say say that that God’s grace
is is is unlimited is is is to say say that that there is is is no one one outside its reach No one: not the the the sinner the the the heretic the the the unbeliever or the differently believing believer believer To say say that that God’s grace
is is is unconditional is is is to say say that that there is is is nothing one can do to merit grace
earn grace
or even avoid grace
You cannot get closer or further away from grace: grace
is is unlimited and all–encompassing Chesed is is free and there are no conditions placed upon it it at all I mean
Matthew 18:3
18 In Hebrew and Aramaic HaMakom a a a a a a a a a a a rabbinic euphemism for YHVH the Happening happening as all happening 19 Gospel of Thomas Logia 4 20 Galatians 3:28