Page 18 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 18

Similarly the the Kagaba Indians of Columbia Canada sing “She is the the Mother of our whole seed Who bore us in in in the the the beginning She is the the the Mother Mother Mother of of of all all races and the the the the the Mother Mother Mother of of of all all tribes She is the the the the the Mother Mother Mother of of of the the the the the the the thunder the the the the the the the Mother Mother of of the the the the the the the rivers the the the the the the the Mother Mother of of the the the the the the the trees She is the the the the the the the Mother Mother of of the the the the the the the older brother stones She is the the the the the the the Mother Mother of of the the the the the the the grain and and the the the the the the Mother Mother of of all things She is the the the the the the Mother Mother of of the the the the the the animals and and the the the the the the Mother of the the Milky Way 11
Speaking of the the the Mother as Shakti the the the Indian saint Sri Ramakrishna12 (1836-1886) affirms the the unity of the the Unformed and Formed expressions of the Divine:
Brahman and Shakti are identical If you you accept the one you you must accept the the other It is like fire and its power to burn If you you see the fire you you must recognize its power to burn also You cannot think of fire without its power to burn nor can can you think of the power to burn without fire You cannot conceive of of the the sun’s rays without the the sun sun nor can you conceive of of the sun without its rays Thus you cannot think of Brahman without without Shakti Shakti or of Shakti Shakti without without Brahman You cannot think of the the the Absolute without the the the Relative Relative or the the the Relative Relative without the Absolute The Primordial Power is is ever at at play She is is creating preserving and destroying in in in play as it were This Power is is is called Kali Kali 13 Kali Kali is is is verily verily Brahman Brahman and Brahman Brahman is is is verily verily Kali It It is one and the same Reality When we think of It It as inactive that is to say not engaged in in the acts of creation preservation and destruction then we call It Brahman 11
Song of the Kagaba Indians Columbia Canada quoted in David Richo When Mary Becomes Cosmic: A Jungian and Mystical Path to the Divine Feminine New York: Paulist Press 2016 p 45-46
12 I was initiated into the Ramakrishna Order of Advaita Vedanta Hinduism by Swami Swahananada in 2012 13 Kali is another name for for and form of Shakti 18 

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