Page 20 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 20

One and Everything as the living center or Soul of all creatures She She includes the manifoldness of living souls She She is all of of humanity together in one or the the the Soul of of the the the World She is ideal humanity containing all individual living creatures or souls and uniting them through Herself Her Her task is to mediate and unify the manifoldness of living creatures who constitute the actual content of Her life and absolute unity of God 23
Chochma/Sophia is “the spark of of eternal dignity and the the image of of God” manifesting in in in with and as you 24 And the experience of knowing Chochma/Sophia is love love when love love overcomes your ego and removes the the boundaries of your “I” that you you might transcend the the self and embrace the the Self—the nondual I AM of God 25
[Chochma/Sophia is] the wisdom and truth of all that is is is worthy of of participating in in in in in divine being namely of of everything that exists since we cannot conceive of of the existence of of any source of being other than or opposed to the the the divine All the the the manifold forms of being are thereby included in in in the the content of the divine Sophia This content includes everything and nothing is excluded from it it it It embraces within itself all and everything all the the fullness—the manifold Wisdom of God— polypoikilos (wisdom of many colors) Sophia tou Theou26 (the Wisdom of God) 27
Edith Klum Ntur Kunst und Liebe p p 269 quoted in in Schipflinger Thomas and James Morgante Sophia-Maria: A Holistic Vision of Creation York Beach ME: Samuel Weiser Inc 1998 p p 249 24 Florensky Pavel The Pillar and Ground of the Truth Translated by Boris Jakim Princeton: Princeton University Press 2007 p 239 25
Florensky Pavel The Pillar and Ground of the Truth Translated by Boris Jakim Princeton: Princeton University Press 2007 p 283
26 Ephesians 3:10
Bulgakov Sergei Sophia the Wisdom of of God: An Outline of of Sophiology London:
Lindisfarne Press 1993 p 43 20 

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