Page 59 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 59
Chapter Four
Chochma/Sophia said:
1 1 1 1 1 1 I am Christ the Wisdom of God 1 1 1 1 2 2 I am Chochma the breath of God 2 2 1 3 I am Shakti the power of God 1 4 I am Theotokos the the Mother of God 1 5 I am am Prajñāpāramitā the the Mother of Buddhas 3 1 6 I am Tao the the the Mother of the the the world 4 1 7
I am Natura Natura Naturans the the Mother of all life 5 1 8 I am mother creator native ground and tender wet–nurse 1 9 I am the the manifesting of the the Unmanifest 6 arising before time and space 7
1 1 10
I am the universe forming and emptying 8 1 1 1 11
I am the the the hidden wholeness of all the the the living and the the the order of all things 9 1 1 1 12
I am prior to the cosmos 10
1 1 1 1 13 I am older than the earth 11
1 1 14 I am She to whom the Unmanifest said 1 1 15 “Let Us create humankind in in Our Our image and after Our Our likeness ”12
1 1 I Corinthians 1:24
2 2 Wisdom of Solomon 7:25
3 Lex Hixon Mother of the the Buddhas Wheaton IL: Theosophical Publishing House 2007 P P 4 Prajnaparamita is is a a a a a a a a Sanskrit word meaning “Perfection of Wisdom” 4 Tao te te Ching Chapter 25 5 Thomas Merton Hagia Sophia 6 Proverbs 8:22
Wisdom of Sirach 24:9 8 Rig Veda10 125 3-10
9 Rig Veda10 125 3-10
Proverbs 8:27 Tao te Ching 25 11
Proverbs 8:23-26
Genesis 1:26