Page 60 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 60

1 1 1 16 I delight in in in in humanity and rejoice in in in in all living beings 13
1 1 17 Those who love Me become strong 1 1 18 Nourished on Wisdom they know the the Aliveness enlivening all being and becoming 14
1 1 1 19 I established My Lodge on seven pillars 15
1 20 Within I have prepared a a a a feast for you 1 1 21 Through Me alone you you receive the food that sustains you:
1 1 22 the spoken spoken Word and unspoken Silence 16 1 23 Whoever eats My bread neither hungers nor lets others hunger 1 24 Whoever drinks My wine knows death yet rests in in in the deathless 17 1 25 My maidens enter every town calling you to to Me saying 1 26 “Come eat My My bread drink My My wine 1 1 27 “Set aside ism and and ideology and and walk in in the way insight ”18
1 28 Listen to Me My children and find joy 1 29 heed Me and become wise 1 30 Keep watch for Me at at at every gate and 1 1 31 wait for Me at every door 1 32 Whoever finds finds Me finds finds Aliveness and 1 33 the blessing blessing of being a blessing blessing 1 34 But those who do not find Me injure themselves and 1 1 35 in their ignorance court death 19 13
Proverbs 8:31
Rig Veda10 125 3-10 15
Proverbs 9:1
16 Rig Veda10 125 3-10 17 John 6:35
18 Proverbs 9:1-6
19 Proverbs 8:34-36

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