Page 6 - Book IV Unit 1
P. 6

occasions, he finally started saying, “Pardon me! Sorry! Always I am mistaken for
                     Professor Einstein!”

                     On 18 April 1955, it was reported that Einstein had passed away, and the whole world
                     mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.

                Born in Germany

                                                1900                1905               1922               1955

                     1879              1896                                                      1933

                2    In pairs, discuss the following questions.

                    1   Apart from his remarkable achievements, what does the passage tell us about Einstein’s life?
                    2   What impressed you most about Einstein? State your reasons.

                3    Study the organisation and language features.

                    1  What type of writing is this text? How does the writer develop the text?
                    2  Find the descriptions that tell us what Einstein looked like and what kind of person he was.

                    3  What rhetorical devices are used in the passage? Give examples.

                4    Write an introduction about someone you admire.

                    1  Choose the person you are going to write about. It should be someone you think is great in
                       some way. It can be an ordinary person, such as a parent, a relative, or a friend.

                    2  Make a list of things that need to be included in your introduction.
                    3   Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about this person.

                5    Exchange your draft with a partner.
                    1   Use the checklist to help you review your partner’s draft.

                          Does the writer describe the person’s appearance and personality?
                          Does the writer tell an impressive story of the person’s life?

                          Does the writer say why the person is great?
                          Does the writer sum up how he/she feels about this person?

                    2   Take your draft back and revise it.

                6    Share your introduction with the rest of the class.

                                                                                UNIT 1  PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT     9
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