Page 6 - Book II Unit 1
P. 6

3  Write a news report about a person or group who works to protect our
                    cultural heritage. You can use the interview notes below or write about a
                    person or group that you know of.

                    1  Read the interview notes.

                        Chen Lei, Wuhan                               Protectors of the Past, Wuhu

                         senior teacher                                  protect old houses
                         takes photos of old buildings                   help repair buildings
                         wants to preserve cultural heritage             look for cultural relics

                         interviews old people                           show cultural relics to the public
                         writes about the buildings                      raise money
                         visits schools to tell students about …         repair temples and cultural relics

                    2  Draft a news report in which you explain what the person or group does.

                                                                                 A PICTURE IS WORTH A
                                               Write a title to get the          THOUSAND WORDS
                       Headline                readers’ attention.               Chen Lei is a senior
                                                                                 teacher who takes photos
                       Lead sentence           Tell the readers who, what,       of old buildings in Wuhan
                                               where, and why.                   in order to preserve the
                                                                                 city’s cultural heritage.

                                               Explain what the
                       Body                     person or group does.

                       Tell the reader         Use relative clauses.             Every day, Chen Lei takes
                       the facts, details,                                       his camera and …
                       examples, etc.          Use quotes and

                                               End with a short                  Neither people nor
                        Ending                  summary to help the              buildings last forever, but
                                                readers remember the             Chen Lei’s photos can
                                                                                 help us remember them.
                                                main idea.

                    3  Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to help each other revise the drafts.
                             Is there a title?
                            Does the lead sentence tell the reader about the situation?
                            Has the writer included details and explanations?
                             Are there quotes and paraphrases?
                            Does the writer use relative clauses to identify people, places, things, times, etc.?

                             Does the writer end with a short summary?
                             Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes?

                    4  Put up your news report in the classroom.

                                                                                      UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE    9
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