Page 4 - Book III Unit 1
P. 4

Festivals are becoming more and more
                   commercial, with businesses taking
                   advantage of the celebrations. Online
                   shopping websites and social media
                   apps have made it much easier for the
                   public to spend more on gifts for their
                   loved ones. Although some believe

                   festivals should not be commercialised,
                   others believe the increase in spending
                   is good for the economy and public happiness.

                   Festivals are an important part of society. They reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths,
                   and attitudes towards life. They are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life, and
                   forget about our work for a little while. They help us understand where we came from,
                   who we are, and what to appreciate. And if you study festivals carefully, you may be
                   surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.

                                                                          Identify the main idea of a

                                                                          Identifying the main ideas of paragraphs
                                                                          is necessary when analysing a text.
                3    Read the text again and underline the                Most paragraphs will have a “topic
                    topic sentence of each paragraph that                 sentence” that tells you the paragraph’s
                                                                          main idea. It is often the first sentence,
                    gives the main idea.                                  but sometimes it is found elsewhere in
                                                                          the paragraph.

                4  In pairs, discuss the following questions.

                    1  What do most festivals seem to have in common? Why do you think people around the
                       world find these things important?
                    2  How do you feel about festival customs that have already faded away?
                    3  What is the writer’s attitude towards the commercialisation of festivals?

                5  Complete the following passage using suitable words from the text. Be sure
                    to use the correct forms.

                    Today’s festivals have a wide          of origins, including the seasons of the year, famous
                               , important events, and religions. The        festival is one of the most popular
                    festivals and is celebrated in many cultures. Customs play a         role in festivals, but
                    they can change over time. For example, some Chinese cities no longer allow firecrackers

                    during the Spring Festival, as they can increase air pollution. These days, festivals are becoming
                    more            , with people spending more money on gifts. Festivals          people’s
                    wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes towards life. They are     to spend time with family,
                    and to relax and enjoy life.

                                                                             UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS    5
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