Page 1 - Book VII Unit 5
P. 1

                       LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER

                 UNIT 5                         LAUNCHING

                                                YOUR CAREER

                 The future depends on
                 what you do today.

                 — Mahatma Gandhi

                         In this unit, you will                              Look and discuss
                     1  read about how to know yourself better           1  How would you interpret the picture?
                       through self-assessment.                          2  What would you like to be in the future?
                     2  hear and talk about going to university and        What careers interest you?
                       deciding on a major.                              3  What factors will you take into consideration
                     3  write a letter of application and a CV.            when you plan your career?
                     4  learn about how to make the most of the last
                       summer break of high school.
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