Page 4 - Book VII Unit 5
P. 4

are used to make a code that
                       Your test results are below. Your work personality code is A-I-R.
                                                                             indicates the participant’s overall
                                                                             work personality. This code is then
                                                       R :  Hands on, active, technical   used to generate a list of career
                                                        I :  Observant, intellectual   suggestions.
                                                       A :  Creative, imaginative,
                                                         original            The career suggestions are also
                                                       S :  Helpful, people-oriented,   based on your education and
                                                         responsible         experience level, but you can
                                                       E :  Persuasive, confident   look at higher-level careers as
                                                       C :  Organised, detail-oriented   well, which is very useful for high
                                                                             school students. For example, you
                             Work personality types                          could look at the basic careers
                                                                             to see what work you might like
                now, and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in
                the future. This is a great tool to help plan your career and let you know what targets you need
                to reach to get there.

                In conclusion, career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool. However, it is important to
                remember that they are only meant for guidance. The secret to a good career is finding
                something that you are passionate about. So try a few tests online and start thinking about your
                future career right now!

                3  Read the text again and answer these questions.
                    1   What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which careers may be right for
                    2   What is very important when you are completing the test?
                    3   According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend?
                    4   Do you agree with the text when it says “The secret to a good career is finding something
                        that you are passionate about”? Give your reasons.

                4  Look at these jobs and then decide on which work personality type they most
                    closely relate to. Add more jobs to each category.

                         engineer  mechanic  dentist  biologist  surgeon  astronomer  actor  director
                              detective  graphic designer  photographer  nurse  teacher  waitress
                         restaurant manager  estate agent  accountant  police spy  librarian  secretary

                        Realistic    Investigative     Artistic       Social      Enterprising   Conventional

                5  Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

                    1   Would you like to take a career aptitude test? Why or why not?
                    2   What could be some problems with this sort of test? What other things could you do to
                        help you decide on possible future careers?

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