Page 4 - Book II Unit 5
P. 4

3    Read the text again and answer the questions.

                    1  How is a virtual choir different from other choirs? Who can take part in it?
                    2  What caused Eric Whitacre to fall in love with classical music? What gave him the
                        inspiration to make his first virtual choir?

                4  Find the numbers and dates to fill in the timeline.

                   2 January 19        Eric Whitacre was born.
                   19    –1995         Whitacre attended the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
                   19                  Whitacre got a master’s degree from the Juilliard School in New York.
                   2009                Whitacre first got the idea for the virtual choir. His first virtual choir used
                                                 singers from           different countries; received
                                                               views on the Internet.
                       July 2014       Whitacre formed the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF.               young
                                       people from           countries sang “What If”.

                5  Learn more about music by completing the sentences with the correct forms of
                    the words and phrase. Then make a mind map about what music means to you.

                           ordinary  remind  perform  award          effort   individual   fall in love
                           enable     stage     studio    original   prove   onto         opportunity

                    1  Last night I went to see my friend’s new rock band                on               at a
                        small local music festival.
                    2  This new pop song                 me of an old song that was               sung by Billy
                        White but later made popular by another singer.
                    3  I’m so happy! My favourite singer just won a music             . This               that
                        all the             she put into her work was worth it.
                    4  I               with rap music when I was a teenager. Listening to it               me
                        to relax and forget about my problems.
                    5  Five years ago, he was finally given a(n)                  to record his song at a(n)
                                     . Ever since, his success has shown the world that even
                        people can become famous.
                    6  Nowadays millions of musical performances are uploaded                 the Internet every
                        day by different             who may or may not be professional musicians or singers.

                6  Discuss the questions in groups.

                    1  What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of a virtual choir?
                    2  Does a virtual choir really bring people together? Why or why not?

                                                                                                  UNIT 5 MUSIC   53
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