Page 6 - Book I Unit 0
P. 6

2  Study the organisation and language features.

                    1  A student profile can include the following parts. Fill in each part with the information from
                        the student profiles.
                          A  Name, age, grade, school       B  Personality       C  Favourite subject
                          D  Learning style                 E  Hobbies           F   Future plans and dreams

                                     A                                                    A

                       F                          B                          F                         B

                       E                          C                          E                         C

                                     D                                                    D

                    2  Circle the phrases that Ann and Thando use to describe their personalities and underline
                        the sentences that they use to describe their learning styles.

                3  Use what you have learnt to write your own student profile.

                    1  Complete the outline and use it to draft your student profile.

                         Name:         Age:
                         Grade:        School:                 My name is
                         Personality:                          and I’m a              student
                         Favourite subject:                    at                            .
                         Learning style:
                         Future plans and dreams:

                    2    Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.

                               Does the profile give you a good impression of the student?
                           Are all the parts in Activity 2 included and organised in a good order?

                           Are the sentence structures correct?
                           Do all the sentences begin with capital letters?
                           Are there any spelling mistakes?
                    3  Get your draft back and revise it.

                    4  Add a photo or drawing of yourself and show your student profile to your class.

                4  Collect all the student profiles and create a class book.

                                                                                                WELCOME UNIT      9
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