Page 114 - Rourke Classroom Catalog 2020
P. 114

Sistemas solares(Solar Systems)
Sleeping Beauty
Social Studies Leanering Center GR PreK (ENG&SPAN) Social Studies Leanering Center GR PreK (SPA)
Social Studies Leanering Center GR 1 (ENG&SPAN) Social Studies Leanering Center GR 1 (SPA)
Social Studies Leanering Center GR 2 (ENG&SPAN) Social Studies Leanering Center GR 1 (SPA)
Social Studies Leanering Center GR K (ENG&SPAN) Social Studies Leanering Center GR K (SPA)
Spanish and English Fiction
Spanish GRL B-E Collection
Spanish GRL F-H Collection
Spanish GRL I-L Collection
Spanish GRL M-O Collection
Spanish GRL P-T Collection
Spanish GRL U-Z Collection
STEAM guía los inventos (STEAM guides in Inventions) STEM Guias para el espacio (Stem Guides To Space) STEM+ (6th Grade Spanish) for the 21st Century STEM+ (7th Grade Spanish) for the 21st Century STEM+ (8th Grade Spanish) for the 21st Century Sundaes con Harriet Tubman
(Sundaes with Harriet Tubman) Tantas clases (So Many Classes) Taxi (Taxi Cab)
Tecnología médica e ingeniería
(Medical Technology and Engineering) Tenemos una caja (We Have a Box)
The Gingerbread Man
The Little Mermaid
The Little Red Hen
The Princess and the Pea The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Little Pigs
The Ugly Duckling
The Velveteen Rabbit
The Wizard of Oz
M 9781683422600 $8.95
Pg #
28 41 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 61 22, 23 24, 25 26, 27 28, 29 30, 31 32, 33 32, 90, 91 32, 85, 90, 91 90, 91 90, 91 90, 91 30
Book/Series GRL
Tikiti, tikiti, toc (Hickory, Dickory, Dock)
Todo Bajo El Sol (Everything Under The Sun) O Todo el mundo come (Everyone Eats) G Todo el mundo juega (Everyone Plays Games) G Todo el mundo practica deportes (Everyone Plays Sports) G Todo el mundo tiene una casa (Everyone Has a Home) F Todo el mundo usa la tecnología H
(Everyone Uses Technology)
Todo el mundo va a la escuela (Everyone Goes to School) H Todo el mundo viaja (Everyone Travels) H Todo el mundo visita a la familia (Everyone Visits Family) G Tortugas (Turtles) M Trabajemos juntos (Let’s Work Together) H Transporte (Transportation) F Tren (Train) L Tu árbol genealógico (Your Family Tree) J Un año de diversión (A Year of Fun) E Un largo paseo en auto (A Long Car Ride) G Un monstruo en los manglares (Monster in the Mangroves) K Un perrito problemático (Puppy Trouble) L Un viaje a la casa de la abuela (A Trip to Grandma’s House) D Una jungla en mi patio (The Jungle In My Yard) D Una pijamada difícil (A Tricky Sleepover) M Una tierra, muchas culturas (One Land, Many Cultures) J Uso de instrumentos científicos (Using Scientific Tools) V Utilizo Instrumentos Científicos (I Use Science Tools) F Utilizo Máquinas Simples (I Use Simple Machines) D Vamos a acampar (Camping Out) Q Vamos a clasificar organismos (Let’s Classify Organisms) Q Vamos a investigar la luz (Let’s Investigate Light) Q Vehículos de emergencia (Emergency Vehicles) E Vías acuáticas (Waterways) F Wally y Molly van a la playa E
(Wally and Molly Go to the Beach)
Wild Animals
Yendo al zoológico (Going to the Zoo) E Yo uso el ratón (I Use A Mouse) H Zelda la cenicienta (Cinderella Zelda) N
ISBN Price
9781617416644 $4.95 9781600444548 $12.95
Pg #
96, 97 85 25 25 25 24 25
25 25 25 28
25, 49 24, 61 27 26, 95 23, 61 25, 61 26 27 22, 61 22 28 26, 95 32, 85, 90, 91 24, 84 22, 84 30 30, 85 30, 85 23, 61 24, 85 23, 61
    K 9781643690124 9781681913148 9781681916576 9781681913162 9781681916613 9781681913179 9781681916637 9781681913155
9781681916590 C-I 9781643696133 B-E 9781731629692 F-H 9781731629708
I-L 9781731629715 M-O 9781731629722 P-T 9781731630285 U-Z 9781731630292
W 9781683421245 U 9781631551277
9781683420828 9781683420842 9781683420866
$6.95 $895.00 $495.00 $895.00 $495.00 $895.00 $495.00 $895.00 $495.00 $275.00 $545.90 $576.70 $580.75 $494.25 $478.55 $410.10 $10.95 $10.95 $895.00 $895.00 $895.00 $8.95
9781641560245 9781641560214 9781641560238 9781641560269 9781641560221
9781641560207 9781641560276 9781641560252 9781641560122 9781627173766 9781641569422 9781641560061 9781634301770 9781641560382 9781641560368 9781683422488 9781618105356 9781641560375 9781618105172 9781683422495 9781634301688 $8.95
Q 9781683422532
E 9781641560757 $8.95 23
$8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $7.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95
J 9781641560047 $8.95
26 33, 85
22 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
9781618104717 9781612369068 9781612369051 9781618105493 9781627172868 9781627173056 9781641569460 9781627176132 9781641560542
$10.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $7.95 $8.95 $8.95
Y 9781627173353
D 9781641560627 I 9781643690087 L 9781643691480 I 9781643690100 I 9781643690155 I 9781643690148 K 9781643690070 I 9781643691503 J 9781643690179 K 9781643690162
$8.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95
9781731613363 $29.75 65 9781641560443 $8.95 23, 61 9781612369181 $8.95 25 9781618105448 $8.95 29
$8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95

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