Page 121 - NS 2024
P. 121

 its own.
Why hello, Min.
It was a gravelly, yet soft voice that greeted her in the void. New shivers of fear ran down her spine, but she stood firm. She remembered sitting in front of the Reverend Mother, awaiting her punishment. She tried to mimic that confidence, though she found she couldn’t quite manage it.
There was a chuckle, though not an unkind one, and it was at this point that Min realized the door had closed behind her. It was a heavy darkness, a weighted blanket, the kind that can make able-bodied people embody the blind. Yet, wherever the walls were, their presence seemed more an embrace than a prison. The slightly trembling girl felt as if she was wrapped underneath her comforter in bed, hiding from monsters in her closet.
I’m so happy you made it, Min.
So few of you manage to get this far from the beaten trail these days... it’s almost as if the world has finally gotten itself on track.
The distant and buried voice seemed sharp in her ears. Still, she tried to stand strong. “If the world is on track, I’m not sure I’m going to the same place it is.”
I don’t think you are Min.

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