Page 122 - NS 2024
P. 122

 Thank goodness for that.
Min crouched down over the muddy floor, then sat cross-legged. The fresh waves of mud were hardly even noticeable to her. “I think I’m more comfortable here than there.” This earned another chuckle, almost parental in tone.
So young for such wisdom.
Your mother was much the same, you know.
Fresh tears slid down Min’s grimy cheeks. “She was?” The voice seemed to sigh, and Min felt something akin to a cool sea breeze washing through the abyss.
She was.
She understood things other people couldn’t.
She saw...the big picture. Just like you.
Min felt numb. Waves of relief were washing through her, but she couldn’t shake the sense that she was forgetting something. There was an alarm bell going off somewhere in her head, but she couldn’t figure out why.
That’s why she could understand what you’re about to do, Min. Just remember that.

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