Page 124 - NS 2024
P. 124

 Slowly, enough that she seemed almost dazed, Min turned her sopping head to her mentor, not bothering to clear the boundless bangs from her face. “I went for a walk, Reverend Mother. Now may I eat?”
There was another slight pause. Then, unable to help herself, Tonya let out a short chortle. Min’s eyes, striking enough to pierce straight through the shades of her hair, turned on her in a bout of righteous fury. Tonya had yet to notice, still trying to compose herself.
“I think it might be best if you at least washed up first, Min. And we do need to know where you’ve been all this while, after all.”
Min nodded dangerously. Those closest to her could notice a slight trembling in her abnormally pale hands. She took a deep, rasping breath.
“I walked down the road paved with my best intentions, Reverend Mother. And we all know where that leads.”
Before anyone could react, the slight girl jolted toward the head of the table, startling Sister Tonya enough that she fell backwards in her chair, landing flat on her back and breaking the elaborate mahogany carpentry. Before she could recover or anyone could do more than get halfway out of their seat, Min was already on top of the older woman brandishing a knife she had stealthily collected from the tabletop. Tonya’s eyes were bright with unadulterated horror, but Min brought her left finger up to her mentor’s lips.
“Shh. Forgive me Mother, for I have sinned.”

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