Page 132 - NS 2024
P. 132

 wave. The guy was shocked but understood where it came from as he tried his best to comfort her. After Mizuki had calmed down and got her emotions under control they were able to talk. Mizuki sat there with a gloomy look refusing to look him in the eyes, “So what did they say about your recovery?” she questions.
“I’ll make a full recovery with some physical therapy. My body has to readjust to moving again, although I might not be able to use my magic to full extent for a while,” he answers with a small chuckle. Mizuki says nothing so he continues, “Hey! It’s all good, don't worry so much! I promise I hold nothing against you.” Mizuki tries to rebuttal but feels tears coming on again, he also notices and immediately changes the subject not wanting to see her cry anymore for him. With a laugh, he starts, “A lot must be weighing on you right now.” Mizuki looks up in slight shock at his statement and he continues, “Well... you look super agitated and I’m the one who just woke from a coma.” Mizuki looks down “I’m sorry.”
“No, no I wasn’t looking for an apology. Come on, if you're okay with sharing, what’s on your mind?” He probes.
Mizuki thinks for a bit before answering “Do you ever have a want to be stronger but...If you get stronger you might hurt others in the process, but then just following rule after rule becomes so suffocating you can’t take it?” He thinks about Mizuki’s words for a long while before answering.
“Well why not just make your own rules?” he answers, but his answer is so basic it shocks Mizuki, “W-what?” she questions.
He laughs a little, “Yeah I know it doesn’t sound too profound but I mean it. Who says you can’t get stronger without harming others and who decided you have to follow societal laws to not hurt others. You obviously don’t want to hurt anyone, so just make your own rules, ones that allow you to get stronger in order to protect others.” Mizuki looks at him in awe, their eyes meeting for the first time, and tears stream down her face again sending him into a small panic, “H-huh? What’d I say?! Why are you crying?!” Mizuki wipes her tears as she shakes her head and responds, “No, no It’s okay y-your just really nice,” she says in between tears. Once she calms down again, they talk some more before Mizuki takes her leave. She feels like a weight was lifted off her shoulders and the scenery outside seems a lot nicer. She makes a promise to herself that she will no longer let anyone tell her what to do or how to live. From now on she will break off the leash and chains and cover her ears from the whispers. From here on out her ideals are her own and she’ll follow them her own way.
Take this as a lesson: Instinct can certainly lead to mistakes if you follow them blindly but they can also lead you to the right choice so long as you follow your heart. Instinct can neither be explained nor ignored but your heart will never betray you.

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