Page 68 - NS 2024
P. 68

 The Parking Lot Kelly Gleeson
It is a jam-packed parking lot; a sea of parked cars with no gaps in the rows, where the remaining drivers prowl the parking lot like sharks circling their prey, waiting for an unsuspecting driver to forfeit their spot. The first driver in the rust-colored truck jerks his car into drive upon seeing the red brake lights of a parked car in the distance. The hunt is on for the spot. The oblivious driver abandons his prized place in the parking lot, leaving the pickup truck ready to bolt and claim the finally relinquished spot. The troubled truck driver, having been circling around the top of the parking lot, is far away from the free space in the corner of the bottom lot. The free spot is tucked in between two smaller black cars, so the truck driver is hopeful it is hidden from prying eyes. After throwing the car into drive, the truck’s engine roars, and the race is on.
The truck picks up speed as it accelerates through the parking lot–disregarding the posted speed limit. After hitting every pothole in the top lot, the truck driver is thrown forward into his steering wheel as he is forced to slam on his brakes for the throng of students walking in the parking lot towards the dorms. Momentarily winded, the truck driver recovers, slams on the gas, and resumes his race for the remaining spot. Dodging cars and curbs, the truck propels itself faster and faster, closing the gap between it and the spot. Finally, the spot is within arm's reach, and the truck races into the spot and slams into the curb. The truck jerks from the force of the hit, but the driver pays the curb no mind, puts the car in park, and immediately turns the truck off and is out of the car before the truck has time to settle. The driver locks the car until he hears it click and is off to his next battle–a seat at the dining hall.

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