Page 69 - NS 2024
P. 69

 The sun’s glare off the yellow Volkswagen Beetle is blinding. It draws the watcher’s eye, which is just what the driver wants; everyone who drives a Beetle wants you to know they drive a Beetle. The driver knows her car is popular and eye-catching, just like her. Her sunflower steering wheel lazily turns to match the carefree speed of a car taking a Sunday drive around the parking lot. Her leisure pace is purposeful. After all, she can’t have people thinking she’s high-strung. Plus, she’s able to give people walking to their cars more time to start their cars and leave for her to take their spot. Once again, her tactic works out, as she spots a gawky boy heading to his dented car. Satisfied with her luck, her laughter is sweet and floats through the air. The bumbling twig gets into his car, and now the spot is hers. After descending to a slow stop, she perfectly parks the car like she does every time. Her gracefulness is emphasized by her leisurely pace, which allows watchers to take in how she exits the car, gathers her array of bags, and starts her walk back to her room, with each step punctuated by the click of her too tall heels.
The screech of the green Subaru’s brakes can be heard across campus. The squeal pierces the silence and draws everyone’s eyes. No one can find it in themselves to look away from the mess on wheels. The wood paneling and rust give away the age of the car, while the plethora of noises coming from the car are even more telling. The chugging of the engine as the car forces itself forward is accompanied by a burning smell of what could be rubber. The car, held together by bumper stickers, inches its way closer to the open spot, going as fast as the “car” can at its age. The slow rolling of the car, as it crunches on gravel, can barely be heard over the squeals and bursts as the car forces itself forward and slowly closes the gap between it and the spot. The arc of the car as the driver tries to swing into the small spot is punctuated by rough jerks as the car fights to stay in motion. Back and forth, the car goes trying to force itself to fit into the spot.

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