Page 29 - North Star Literary & Art Magazine
P. 29

 Pen to Paper
Pen to Paper
A breathing exercise
Pen to Paper
The web of superstition and street knowledge that entangled me Pen to Paper
Freedom when we still wrote with Quills
Pen to Paper
Use to be freedom before we
trapped her behind a glass screen
Pen to Paper
When papermates tip beat that compositions sheet’s till the bruises were branded on to her body
He knew the writer didn’t care for them
The hand raised him
But could not control his urges
Pen to Paper
The block letters were tattoos of scorn
marking her a survivor
He beat the words of prophecy
Painted her body bloody with old wives tales
About how the sun loved the moon so much
He gave her his light
So she could hang out in the Night sky
Chuckling with her star sisters
That would never stop making crude notions to each other Pen to paper
An excuse to fill up composition sheets’
For the pen wanted fame
And the paper yearned
For a release.
While the writer simply
Wanted to breathe.

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