P. 5
Short Description
In this teaching material, we will discuss the narrative text for fable stories. Fables are fictional
stories about the lives of animals that behave like humans. Thus, the animals in fables have
human-like characters. Some are good, honest, polite, or smart, but some are not good, such
as cunning, arrogant, deceitful, and so on.
This Teaching Material contains material about the narrative text such as fable text with
picture, and some illustration. After studying this e-book students are expected to be able to
understand what kind of structure that consist on fable text.
Study Guide
The learning objectives of Teaching Materials are for students to understand the structure of
narrative text for fable story. Here are study guides for studying this e-book:
1) Understand each component of teaching materials from the initial component to the
2) Understand the main and supporting material by reading and interpreting it.
3) Reading various other learning resources that are relevant to the material being
4) Discuss reading results in discussion forums through online facilities with other
participants and instructors.
5) Do each assignment independently and formative tests through online facilities.
6) Practice the knowledge gained from the learning process into daily learning practices
and reflect on it.
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