Page 2 - Northeast Royale Program Booklet 2020
P. 2
Welcome to the 6th Annual
Northeast Royale. Pageant
We have made it to the sixth year mark,
and have crowned 14 queens and 1
princess in the past six years .
Northeast Royale never take contest-
ants for granted and I personally would
like to thank the contestants that chose
this system, because your participation
in this pageant adds a new dimension of
representation to the art of pag-
eantry. As we embark upon this next journey into a new era,
we are looking forward to working with our newly formed
Royale court of Northeast Royale system and will help them
make the journey a success.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the systems
who are in attendance to participate in the “Walk of Recogni-
tion”. Thanks for helping us celebrate our 6 year anniversary.
To our supporters, volunteers, formers, and my partner (Redd)
thank you for the help you have provided to make this pag-
eantry system a success! I do not take your kindness for
granted and we all are better because of you.
Landis Osborne
Northeast Royale Board of Directors
Landis Osborne, Andrea LaMour, Tina Montgomery