Page 17 - arian zakeri 09107869364
P. 17

pH-Kar  is  an  acidic  product  containing  iron.  nitrogen
                :فرصم لمعلاروتسد   ،نهآ يوتحم يديـــسا يا هدروارف راك چا يپ                         and sulfur that has been formulated for calcareous soils
              فرصم زد عومجم                                                                         of  Iran. This  product  is  completely  soluble in  water  and
              l/ha (راتكه رب رتيل)   ياهكاخ يارب هك دـــشاب  يم درگوگ و نژورتين
       دشر لصف لوط رد يرايبآ بآ اب هارمه - تبون ٣  ٢٠                                               by adding to irrigation water, it eliminates the bicarbonate
                                                                                                    and  by  entering  the  soil,  it  reduces  the  instantaneous
       دشر لصف لوطرديرايبآ بآ اب  هارمه - تبون ٤  ٣٠   هب هدروآرف نيا تـسا هدـش ديلوت ناريا يكهآ
       دشر لصف لوط رد يرايبآ بآ اب هارمه -تبون٣  ٣٠
                      هفاـــضا اب و هدوب بآ رد لولحم ﻼماك لكــش
       دشر لصف لوط رد يرايبآ بآ اب هارمه -تبون٢  ٣٠                                                 amount of pH in the soil. In this case, the iron is absorbed
       دشر لصف لوط رد يرايبآ بآ اب هارمه-تبون٣  ٢٠  .دش دهاوخ رجنم                                  by  plants  and  provides  the  conditions  for  easier  uptake
       دشر لصف لوط رد يرايبآ بآ اب هارمه -تبون٤  ٣٠                                                 of other micronutrient elements such as zinc, copper and
                       ميقتسم رون زا رود و سويسلس هجرد يس ريز و هجرد جنپ  يﻻاب يامد رد              manganese in the soil. The nitrogen in this product also
       دشر لصف لوط رد يرايبآ بآ اب هارمه-تبون ٣  ٢٠
                      نودب لاس   ات ،فرظ پملپ ندنام هتسب تروص رد .دوش يرادهگن باتفآ
                       ياهلولحم اب ار هدروآرف نيا .دشاب  يم يرادهگن لباق يرييغت هنوگچيه             contributes to the vegetative growth of plants. The use of
                        .دينكن طولخم ديسا كيمويه يوتحم ياهلولحم و ييايلق
                        .دوش هعلاطم تقد هب هدافتسا لمعلا روتسد فرصم زا لبق                          this product in farms and orchards will increase the growth
                                                                                                    of plants and agricultural products.
                                                                                                       Store at temperatures between 5-30ºC and away from
        0 /2023  ٨٢٧٢٣                                                                              direct sunlight. If the container is sealed, it can be stored
        0 /2026  ٩٥٦٧٩٧٥٦٢
        022021022   نايون هعرزم رتسگ هداهن   10 liter                                               for up to 5 years without any changes. Do not mix this
       ١٦٦٦٩١٦٦٧٥ يتسپ دك  ٣٠٤ دحاو ٣٢ كﻼپ ،١٠ ناتسوب شبن ،درف رادياپ نابايخ ،نارادساپ ،نارهت
       ٠٢١-٤٠٢٢٥٥١٤ :سامت هرامش                                                                     product with alkaline

         Soils can be naturally acid or alkaline, and this can be measured      therefore,  useful  for  soils  with  problems  caused  by  high  pH.      soybeans  are  more  affected  by  iron  chlorosis  than  corn,  wheat,
      by  testing  their  pH  value.  Most  soils  have  pH  values  between  Soil  pH  can  be  reduced  most  effectively  by  adding  elemental   or  alfalfa.  Marked  differences  in  tolerance  of  calcareous  soils

      3.5  and  10.  in  dry  areas  the  range  is  7.5  to  9.  The  ideal  pH    sulfur,  aluminum  sulfate  or  sulfuric  acid.     Sulfuric  acid   also exist among horticultural crops. To lower the pH of a calcareous   Cereals   20  3 turns - along with
      ranges  between  6.5  to  7.0 .  Soil  pH  affects  the  amount  of   (commonly  available  as  battery  acid)  is  fast  acting,  but  is   soil, an amendment needs to be added to neutralize the excess lime.
      nutrients  and  chemicals  that  are  soluble  in  oil  water,  and   very  dangerous,  and  its  use  by  home  gardeners  is  not   Natural  processes  can  slowly  lower  the  pH  of  a  calcareous   Green   30  4 times - along with
      therefore  the  amount  of  nutrients  available  to  plants.  Some   recommended.    Green  industry  professionals  however,   soil  –  including  organic  matter  mineralization,  crop  removal  of
                                                                lime and other bases, and natural weathering
                                                                                    – But these processes
      nutrients  are  more  available  under  acid  conditions  while    occasionally  use  sulfuric  acid  to  reduce  soil  pH  around  large  can take hundreds or thousands of years to have any effect on the   Grape   30  3 turns - along with
      others  are  more  available  under  alkaline  conditions.  However,  , established specimen trees.  soil pH. Applications of nitrogen fertilizer also act to lower the soil pH,   Other   30  2 turns - along with
      most  mineral  nutrients  are  readily  available  to  plants  when  soil      In  many  cases,  the  high  soil  pH  is  the  result  of  calcareous   but only in the topsoil. Nitrogen fertilizers will not correct a calcareous
      pH  is  near  neutral.  and  difficult  to  correct  long-term  nutrient   conditions,  or  excessive  amounts  of  lime  (calcium  carbonate)  subsoil condition.  potato   20  3 turns - with irrigation

      deficiencies.Some  fertilisers  can  change  soil  pH  and  increase   in the soil. Subsoils typically have higher pH levels than topsoils.
      or  reduce  the  amount  of nutrients  available  to  plants.  Fertilisers   On  eroded  hillsides  and  side-slopes,  calcareous  layers   pistachio   30  4 turns - along with
      such  as  crushed  sulfur  and  some  ammonium-based  nitrogen   of soil are closer to the surface. Iron chlorosis can be a problem   10 liter  3 turns - with irrigation
      fertilisers  lower  pH  and  make  soil  more  acid.  They  are,   with  some  crops  on  high-pH,  calcareous  soils.  Sorghum  and   alfalfa  20
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