Page 33 - The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
P. 33
Figure 1-15 (left). To tie the Single Constrictor “in the
bight” (without using the ends), pick up the line with
your hands about a foot apart, palms away from
you. Holding the line with your ring and little fingers,
use your other fingers to make a loop, right over left.
Arrange your hands exactly as in the drawing, right
palm facing you, left palm away. To complete the
knot, just turn your hands over. Once you get it fig-
ured out, the whole process takes about four seconds.
Figure 1-16A (below). To tie the Double Constrictor
in the bight, make a Clove Hitch and arrange it on
your left hand as shown, with the upper end on the
left. Cross the upper end over the right, then pull slack
into the right-hand turn, and twist it 180 degrees,
counterclockwise (the part nearest you moves to the
right, toward your fingertips). Place the twisted loop
over your fingertips to complete the knot.