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 A glimpse into a fu ture built on  Non-govt employees can take
           in no va tion            part in Gov Games 2021
                                             Ar ti fi cial in tel li gence has ce mented it self as a key en abler tech nol ogy in
                                             Ar ti fi cial in tel li gence has ce mented it self as a key en abler tech nol ogy in                                                                           The team-building challenge tha
                                           the fu ture of smart cities. But its growth in the UAE and the region will be
                                           the fu ture of smart cities. But its growth in the UAE and the region will be
                                          de pen dent on an ecosys tem that wel comes sev eral other tech nolo gies
                                          de pen dent on an ecosys tem that wel comes sev eral other tech nolo gies                                                                           sees multiple obstacle courses will
                                             along side it. Speak ing at the Artel li gence 2021 fo rum, Dr Saeed Al Dha -
                                             along side it. Speak ing at the Artel li gence 2021 fo rum, Dr Saeed Al Dha -                                                                         return on December 9-11 at Dubai
                  heri, mem ber of the Global Fu ture Coun cil on Vir tual and Aug -
                  heri, mem ber of the Global Fu ture Coun cil on Vir tual and Aug -                                                                          Design District (D3). The event will
                                          mented Re al ity at the World Eco nomic Forum, shared how the UAE is
                                          mented Re al ity at the World Eco nomic Forum, shared how the UAE is
                                          work ing to wards a fu ture that is built on in no va tion. “AI is go ing to play a                                                                           feature unique challenges that requi
                                          work ing to wards a fu ture that is built on in no va tion. “AI is go ing to play a
  Dr Saeed Al Dha heri                                                                             a combination of physical and mental
                                          big role in social ser vices, such as health care, ed u ca tion, trans porta tion,
                                          big role in social ser vices, such as health care, ed u ca tion, trans porta tion,
  pub lic safety and con sumer be hav iour,” he said. There have been sev eral cases of AI be ing
  pub lic safety and con sumer be hav iour,” he said. There have been sev eral cases of AI be ing
  suc cess fully used in var i ous in dus tries, in clud ing health care. “Med i cal im age iden ti fi ca tion is                                                                        strength under a highly competitive,
  suc cess fully used in var i ous in dus tries, in clud ing health care. “Med i cal im age iden ti fi ca tion is
  us ing AI to check if pa tients are suf fer ing from can cer. AI to day has achieved an ac cu racy of
  us ing AI to check if pa tients are suf fer ing from can cer. AI to day has achieved an ac cu racy of  action-packed environment. The third cycle of Gov Games features a
  99 per cent in cor rectly di ag nos ing women with breast can cer, bet ter than any other screen ‐
  99 per cent in cor rectly di ag nos ing women with breast can cer, bet ter than any other screen ‐  new category for the community. It allows citizens and residents in
  ing meth ods. AI will also bring in clu sion in terms of ar eas where there is a short age of med i ‐
  ing meth ods. AI will also bring in clu sion in terms of ar eas where there is a short age of med i ‐  the UAE to take part in the challenge alongside government entities.
  cal staff,” Al Dha heri said. In trans porta tion, AI has been known to re duce road con ges tions,
  cal staff,” Al Dha heri said. In trans porta tion, AI has been known to re duce road con ges tions,
  traf fic ac ci dents, air pol lu tion through au tonomous cars, and im prove road safety, he added. The competition aims to enhance teamwork and strengthen bonding.
  traf fic ac ci dents, air pol lu tion through au tonomous cars, and im prove road safety, he added.
  “To day, you have cars with safe lane-chang ing fea tures that alert you if you are not paying at ‐
  “To day, you have cars with safe lane-chang ing fea tures that alert you if you are not paying at ‐ Marwan Bin Essa, director of Gov Games, said: “We are excited to
  ten tion, and Google Maps are giv ing you di rec tions on how to best nav i gate to your des ti na ‐
  ten tion, and Google Maps are giv ing you di rec tions on how to best nav i gate to your des ti na ‐  host the third edition of the Gov Games competition. It now includes
  tion,” he said. Go ing for ward, Al Dha heri said the fo cus will be on es tab lish ing AI as an en ‐
  tion,” he said. Go ing for ward, Al Dha heri said the fo cus will be on es tab lish ing AI as an en ‐
  abler tech nol ogy along side in no va tions such as VR, IOT, AR, blockchain, big data, drones and a new category for the community as part of our efforts to expand the
  abler tech nol ogy along side in no va tions such as VR, IOT, AR, blockchain, big data, drones and
  3D print ing. He also high lighted the im por tance of hav ing a good data strat egy and the avail ‐
  3D print ing. He also high lighted the im por tance of hav ing a good data strat egy and the avail ‐  impact of the event and raise levels of team bonding and
  abil ity of tal ent. “Data is now the new oil for the dig i tal econ omy. With out good-qual ity, high-
  abil ity of tal ent. “Data is now the new oil for the dig i tal econ omy. With out good-qual ity, high-
  vol ume data, all this AI and ma chine learn ing that you hear about to day is not go ing to be fea ‐ performance among society members. “The new category was
  vol ume data, all this AI and ma chine learn ing that you hear about to day is not go ing to be fea ‐
  si ble. We are very lucky to be in a city like Dubai that has al ready launched a very com pre hen ‐ introduced in response to an overwhelming demand from members
  si ble. We are very lucky to be in a city like Dubai that has al ready launched a very com pre hen ‐
  sive data strat egy and data pro tec tion laws. Also, with out the AI is go ing to play a big role in
  sive data strat egy and data pro tec tion laws. Also, with out the AI is go ing to play a big role in  of the community, who attended previous cycles of Gov Games, to
  social ser vices, such as health care, ed u ca tion, trans porta tion, pub lic safety and con sumer be ‐
  social ser vices, such as health care, ed u ca tion, trans porta tion, pub lic safety and con sumer be ‐  participate in a similar tournament for non-government employees,”
  hav iour. We use AI with out even be ing aware of it.” Dr Saeed Al Dha heri, Mem ber of the
  hav iour. We use AI with out even be ing aware of it.” Dr Saeed Al Dha heri, Mem ber of the
  Global Fu ture Coun cil on Vir tual and Aug mented Re al ity, World Eco nomic Fo rum "Right tal ‐
  Global Fu ture Coun cil on Vir tual and Aug mented Re al ity, World Eco nomic Fo rum "Right tal ‐ he added.
  ent, you can not get any thing mean ing ful from all these data projects,” Al Dha heri said.
  ent, you can not get any thing mean ing ful from all these data projects,” Al Dha heri said.
  Saudi Prince to be guest of honour at IGCF 2021
                            Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal will be the guest of honour at the
                            10th International Government Communication Forum (IGCF),
                            where he will deliver a keynote address during the opening
                            ceremony on September 26. Al Faisal — the founder and trustee
                            of the King Faisal Foundation and chairman of the King Faisal
                            Centre for Research and Islamic Studies — boasts extensive
                            experience in government communications regionally and
                            internationally. He is also a leading figure in supporting the
                            Arab and Islamic culture, taking regional causes on global
                            platforms. He has held several key posts in the Kingdom of
                            Saudi Arabia and received numerous awards and honorary
                            degrees. His participation in IGCF 2021 comes in line with the
                            forum’s goal to learn from leading Arab visionaries and
                            thinkers and benefit from their vast experience.
                            The 10th edition of IGCF, organised by the Sharjah
                            Governmnent Media Bureau (SGMB), brings together 79
                            experts from 11 countries to discuss crisis management
                            mechanisms and determine the future of government
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