Page 6 - Food Bank Council 2020 Renewal Booklet
P. 6

Food Bank Council of Michigan

    Dental/Vision Cost Analysis:  September 2020

                                          Current               Renewal
                                      Delta Dental PPO      Delta Dental PPO
    Rates                    Counts
        Single                 5           $36.93                $36.93
        Employee + 1           2           $70.28                $70.28
        Family                 4          $140.25               $140.25
    Estimated Monthly Premium               $886                  $886
    Percentage Change                                            0.00%
    Monthly Dollar Change                                          $0
    Deductible                           In-Network            In-Network
        Individual                          $25                   $25
        Family                              $75                   $75
    Annual Maximum
        Individual                         $1,000                $1,000
        Family                       $1,000 per member     $1,000 per member
    Class 1                                 100%                 100%
    Class 2                                 80%                   80%
    Class 3                                 50%                   50%
    Class 4/Ortho                           50%                   50%

    This is a summary analysis only. Refer to certificate of coverage for all specific details.
    This summary is not a contract and makes no representations or warranties as to final outcomes of claim adjudication.

                                          Current               Renewal
                                          EyeMed                EyeMed
    Rates                   Counts
        Employee               4            $8.93                $8.93
        Employee/Spouse        2           $16.97                $16.97
        Employeee/Children     1           $17.86                $17.86
        Family                 4           $26.25                $26.25
    Estimated Monthly Premium               $193                  $193
    Estimated Annaul Premium               $2,310                2,310
    Percentage Change                                            0.00%
                                         In-Network            In-Network
    Frequency                             12/12/12              12/12/12
    Eye Exam                                $10                   $10
    Materials/Eyewear                     $0*/$10               $0*/$10
    Allowance                              $175                  $175
   * EyeMed:  $0 Copay on Frames and Contact Lenses-$175 Allowance for each, $10 copay on Lenses if not buying contacts.
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