P. 3

How do vaccines work?

               Vaccines teach your body how to fight off illnesses. They do that by

               putting a tiny piece of the germ that causes the illness you need

               protection from inside your body, so your body can learn what it

               needs to do to fight it off. This way if you ever come into contact

               with the illness your body knows exactly what to do, which stops you

               from getting sick.

               Why Are Vaccines So


               When you get a vaccine, you

               help keep other people healthy,

               too. There are some people who
               can't get vaccines or can't get

               vaccines yet     . The way that many

               vaccines work is that you won't
               get sick from the germ you've

               been vaccinated for. Therefore,

               you won't be spreading germs around to other people who haven't
               gotten vaccines. And that means people who are not vaccinated won't

               get the germs from you and they won't get sick.
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