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Nursing Job Performance

    Standard(s) Mentorship

     Description: Nursing Job                               NJPS Options:

     Performance Standard(s)                                   •  NC II

     (NJPS)                                                    •  NC III

                                                               •  NC IV
     The Job Performance Standards
     Mentorship is a 12 month program                       Program Outcomes:

     offering eligible clinician/mentee the
     opportunity to improve nurse
     performance/competency, be                             •  Retention: 1 year employment during

     compensated for high performance,                         Mentorship
     enhance career growth, and                                  • Engagement: participation on system,
     professional development.                                     pavilion, department, or unit lead
                                                                   initiatives (see e- Engagement tool)

                                                                       o  e-Engagement Tool
     SMART Goal:                                                       o  Other

                                                                 • Development of Professional
     By the end of the 4th quarter, clinicians                     Relationships participation in mentee and

     who successfully complete the NJPS                            mentor evals.
     mentorship will increase Nurse                                    o  Mentor eval. mean rating >4
     Performance/Competency rating > 4,                          • Career Growth and Development:

     and 1% increase in area specific Nurse                        cultivate individual career planning
     Satisfaction scores through offerings of                      ownership
     NJPS Mentorship, compensation for                                 o  Role Transition

     high performance, promoting career                                o  NJPS 1-6 Scores >4
     growth, & professional development;                         • Create Culture of Continuous learning:
     that is likely to result in continued nurse                   participation in mentorship program evals.

     employment for one year during the                                o   Program eval. mean rating >4
     mentorship.                                                 • Nurse Satisfaction:
                                                                       o  Nsg. Satisf. Scores
                                                                 • Will align with annual metrics

                                                                   o  Alignment with Harris Health Domain
                                                                       /One Competencies
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