Page 2 - C:\Users\richg\OneDrive\Desktop\NVC 2025\IMED 2311 Portfolio Dev\Assignments\Portfolio pics\
P. 2
Contents Autobiography
Francis Richards – Amateur Photographer
From as long as I can remember, I was always interested in cameras and
photography. Several events provided the stage to photograph
weddings, sports, music festivals, historical artifacts and structures,
food, cultural and other artistic shows, scuba scenes, landscapes, and
scenic vistas among others. When the opportunity arose, I gladly
embraced the offer to be the photo editor for the production of my
school’s year book at Wabash Valley College (Illinois).
The contents of this portfolio is an attempt to present a small selection
of my varied photographic experiences from my home country –
Dominica to the USA. The journey continues to be enjoyable and
timeless as I eagerly embrace the challenge to conform to the best
practices of the industry, not least of all the fast and furious speed of
social media.