Page 4 - LiberationDay-Feb2020
P. 4
ةينطولا دايعلأا في تاهملأاو ءابلآا ةكراشُم
Bashyer Abbass AlZankawi
- Parent of Bader Hamad ali AlShwaiker and
Malak Hamad Ali AlShwaiker
Nouf Humoud Flaiteh AlShammari
- Parent of Seham Talal Faisal AlDaihani ريخب تنأو ماع لكو تيوكلل ارخذ كلعجو كاعرو الله كامح
. ةيناسنلاا ريمأ اي
We start celebrating the National and
Liberation Day by beginning of February as we
raise the flag of Kuwait and we tell the kids اههّجوت نأ ّدوت يتلا ةلاس ّ رلا ام
about Kuwait. Again, we would like to thank
EPG for giving us and our kids the chance to الله هظفح دلابلا ريمأ ومس ىلإ
feel and enjoy the celebration of National and دايعلأا ةبسانمب هاعرو
Liberation Day at Abdulhussain Theater for
this occasion. ؟ةّينطولا
Mohammad Hasan AlBaddah
Nadia Dhafer AlHamlan
- Parent of Layan Mohammad Hasan AlBaddah
Happy National and Liberation Day Baba
Sabah. Kuwait will forever be free.
Khuloud Al Shammari
- Parent of Abdoulrazagh Yousef Akbari and لافتحلال كلفط ئيهت فيك
Ali Yousef Akbari
في ةينطولا دايعلأاب انعم
My family and I love about EPG is the special
curriculum with the variety of events handled ؟ة ّ يزيلجنلاا ةعومجملا
over the year. Our family are very excited to
celebrate National and Liberation Day with Saad
Abdullah Branch. This occasion can be Loulwah Bader Omar Alomar
extraordinarily fun and provides us with the - Parent of Fatmah Meshari AlSaleh
perfect chance to participate in the joys of life
such dance, song, food, play and laughter. The We celebrate National and Liberation Day in
child within us still delights in the enjoyment of EPG Qusour by letting my child Fatmah wear a
an upcoming celebration and this is an emotion full outfit of the same colours of the Kuwait
that we deserve to indulge in as adults as well. flag. We will also celebrate by sharing the day
with her friends and participating in
traditional Kuwaiti games and songs.