Page 139 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 139

14.2 Sharing in a ratio

               14.2 Sharing in a ratio

               You can use ratios to divide things up, or share them.
               Look at this example.
               Sally and Bob bought a car for $15 000.
               Sally paid $10 000 and Bob paid $5000.
               You can write the amounts they paid as a ratio.

                           Sally  :  Bob
                          10 000 : 5000                                      The highest common factor of 10 000
                                                                             and 5000 is 5000, so divide by 5000 to
                 ÷ 5000                     ÷5000                            simply the ratio.
                              2 : 1
               So, Sally paid twice as much as Bob.
               Five years later they sold the car for $9000.

               !ey need to share the money fairly between them.
               Sally paid twice as much as Bob, so she should get twice as much as
               How do you work out how much each of them gets?
               To share in a given ratio

               t  Add the numbers in the ratio to $nd the total number of parts.
               t  Divide the amount to be shared by the total number of parts to $nd the value of one part.

               t  Use multiplication to work out the value of each share.

               Worked example 14.2

                Share $9000 between Sally and Bob in the ratio 2 : 1.

                Total number of parts:   2 + 1 = 3             Add the numbers in the ratio to fi nd the total number of
                Value of one part:      $9000 ÷ 3 = $3000      Divide the amount to be shared by the total number of
                                                             parts to fi nd the value of one part.
                Sally gets:             $3000 × 2 = $6000    Multiply by 2 to get Sally’s share.
                Bob gets:               $3000 × 1 = $3000    Multiply by 1 to get Bob’s share.

               )     Exercise 14.2

               1  Copy and complete the workings to share $45 between Ethan and Julie in the ratio 1 : 4.

                 Total number of parts: 1 + 4 =
                 Value of one part: $45 ÷   =

                 Ethan gets: 1 ×   =
                 Julie gets: 4 ×   =

      138      14 Ratio and proportion
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