Page 23 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 23

2.2 Generating sequences (2)

               2.2 Generating sequences (2)
                                                                  Pattern 1       Pattern 2        Pattern 3
               Here is a pattern of shapes made from dots.
               "e numbers of dots used to make each pattern
               form the sequence 3, 5, 7, …, …
               You can see that, as you go from one pattern to the   3 dots        5 dots            7 dots
               next, one extra dot is being added to each end of
               the shape. So, each pattern has two more dots than                               Pattern 4
               the pattern before. "e term-to-term rule is ‘add 2.’
               "e next pattern in the sequence has 9 dots because
               7 + 2 = 9.
                                                                                                9 dots

               Worked example 2.2

                Here is a pattern of triangles made from matchsticks.
                Pattern 1         Pattern 2             Pattern 3

                3 matchsticks    6 matchsticks        9 matchsticks
                a  Draw the next pattern in the sequence.
                b  Write down the sequence of numbers of matchsticks.
                c  Write down the term-to-term rule.
                d  Explain how the sequence is formed.

                a                                          The next pattern will have another triangle added to the end.
                                                         So pattern 4 has 12 matchsticks.

                b  3, 6, 9, 12, … , …                    Write down the number of matchsticks for each pattern.
                c  Add 3                                 Each term is 3 more than the previous term.
                d  An extra triangle is added, so 3 more   Describe in words how the pattern grows from one
                    matchsticks are added.               term to the next.

               )     Exercise 2.2

               1  This pattern is made from dots.
                 Pattern 1              Pattern 2                    Pattern 3

                  a  Draw the next two patterns in the sequence.
                  b  Write down the sequence of numbers of dots.
                  c  Write down the term-to-term rule.
                  d  Explain how the sequence is formed.

       22      2 Sequences, expressions and formulae
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