Page 37 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 37

3.3  Ordering decimals

               3   Greg uses the symbols < and > to show
                  that one number is smaller than or larger    4.07 is smaller than 4.15, so 4.07 < 4.15
                  than another.
                  Write the correct sign, < or >, between      2.167 is bigger than 2.163, so  2.167 > 2.163
                  each pair of numbers.

                  a  6.03   6.24   b  9.35   9.41   c  0.49   0.51   d  18.05   18.02
                                                                                            The symbol < means ‘is
                  e  9.2   9.01    f  2.19   2.205  g  0.072   0.06  h  29.882   29.88
                                                                                            smaller than’.
                                                                                            The symbol > means ‘is
                                                                                            bigger than’.

               4   Ulrika uses a different method
                  to order decimals. Her method
                  is shown on the right.                 Question
                  Use Ulrika’s method to write           Write the decimal numbers 4.23, 4.6 and 4.179
                  the decimal numbers in each            in order of size, starting with the smallest.
                  set in order of size, starting         Solution
                  with the smallest.                     4.179 has the most decimal places, so give all
                  a  2.7, 2.15, 2.009                    the other numbers three decimal places by
                  b  3.45, 3.342, 3.2                    adding zeros at the end:  4.230, 4.600, 4.179
                  c  17.05, 17.1, 17.125, 17.42          Now compare 230, 600 and 179:  179 is
                                                         smallest, then 230 then 600
                                                         Numbers in order of size are:  4.179, 4.23, 4.6

               5  The table shows six of the fastest times run by women in the 100 m sprint.

                            Name              Country        Date         Time (seconds)
                   Kerron Stewart           Jamaica          2009             10.75
                   Marion Jones             USA              1998             10.65

                   Merlene Ottey            Jamaica          1996             10.74
                   Carmelita Jeter          USA              2009             10.64
                   Shelley-Ann Fraser       Jamaica          2009             10.73

                   Florence Griffith-Joyner  USA              1988             10.49

                 Who is the fourth fastest woman runner? Explain how you worked out your answer.
               6  Brad puts these decimal number cards in order of size, starting with the smallest.
                 He has spilt tea on the middle card.
                          3.07             3.            3.083

                 Write down three possible numbers that could be on the middle card.

       36      3 Place value, ordering and rounding
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42