Page 50 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 50


          - Safety - always have children in view at all times

          - Do not turn your back on children
          Early Years physical education improves more than just physical wellness. It also assists and improves

       social and emotional development in children.  The earlier the age PE is taught, the earlier children begin

       to develop the ability to think critically.
          PE teachers follow the appropriate level of EPG PE Curriculum.

          During PE classes the children will learn a variety of skills and games. It is important that each lesson
       is divided into FOUR parts:

          Warm Up

          It is important that children do a warm-up for every lesson. It sets the tone for the class and reduces the

       risk of injury during an activity. To begin a warm-up children should participate in some low-intensity

       aerobic activity, such as brisk walking. Follow up with stretches that move the joints through their full
       range of motion. Stretches such as arm circle and flexing and extending of the arms and legs are helpful.

          •  Skill

          FS1 Example

          We are learning to balance on one foot for a short time.

          I can balance on one foot for a short time.
          The skill is about balancing.

          As a Specialist teacher you need to break the skill down into achievable steps for the children.

          a. Stand correctly
          a.                                             e.   Slowly lift one foot and put it on  your other foot
          b.  Knees apart                                f.   Slowly lift one foot and put it on your shin
          c.  Hands out stretched to the sides        g.   Slowly lift one foot and put it on knee

          d.  Head up and looking forward                h.   Slowly lift one foot and hold it in the air

          Teacher must verbalise these actions as she demonstrates to children.
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