Page 82 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 82

Lower case (FS1-FS2)
                                         pull back, around, up, and down
                                         pull down, up, around

                                         pull back and around
                                         pull back, around, up, and down
                                         pull ac
                                         pull across, back and around
                                         pull back, down, and cross
                                         pull back, around, up, down and under

                                         pull down, up, over, and down
                                         pull dwn, dot
                                         pull do
                                         pull down, curve around, dot
                                         pull down, pull in, pull out
                                         pull down
                                         pull do
                                         pull dwn, up, over, down and up, over and down
                                         pull down, up, over and down
                                         pull back and around
                                         pull down, up, and around
                                         pull back, around, up, down and up

                                         pull dwn, up, and over
                                         pull do
                                         pull back, in, around, and back
                                         pull down and cross
                                         pull down, around, up, and down
                                         slant dwn, up
                                         slant do
                                         slant down, up, down, up

                                         slant down, slant down
                                         slant in, slant and down
                                         across, slant down, and cross

            Teach letter formation by referring to the four letter movement groups. These can be called the ‘down
          letters’, the ‘down-ups’, the ‘roundies’ and the ‘zig-zags (slants)’. This will help particularly with children’s
          confusion between ‘b’ and ‘d’.  Teach children that ‘b’ is a ‘down up’ letter, and ‘d’ is a ‘roundy’ letter.

            To teach ‘b’ as a ‘downup’ letter, let children say ‘happy birthday’ several times and write the pair of

          letters ‘h’ and ‘b’ over and over.

            To teach ‘d’ as a ‘roundy’ letter, let children practise writing ‘good dog’ on a card circle. Another
          example is to hold closed hands up with thumbs up to show left hand is “d” and right hand is “b”.
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