Page 4 - Rhodudemdron Garden
P. 4

As we walked to shelter of a gazebo this orange plant caught our attention, I found it is a;

                 Long lasting, funnel shaped flowers of vivid orange with red veins make this an eye catching plant that blooms from a
                 young age. It's foliage is light green and takes on brilliant shades of bronze and purple in autumn.
                 This shrub is covered in blooms late spring to summer – the perfect bridge between seasons. It is a compact bushy
                 and rounded deciduous shrub.
                 Mollis Azaleas are medium upright shrubs with stunning bunches of funnel flowers late spring to summer. The leaves
                 fall late autumn, early winter. Best suited to cooler climates in a morning sun to full sun position.
                 Mollis Azaleas thrive in well drained, humus rich, slightly acid soil (5.5-6.5 is best). Mulch them well at the time of
                 planting and then each spring. This will help to help retain moisture over the warmer months and prevent damage to
                 roots as they are fairly shallow.
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