Page 17 - Kimberly 2009
P. 17

his  morning we leave Darwin and  of  savannah  woodland,  ancient      rewarded with panoramic views of
  Ttake the Arnhem Highway on the      escarpments and tropical wilderness    scenery we will never forget.
  way to Jabiru.  We stop briefly at the  inhabited by a multitude of flora and   ur overnight accommodation was
  quirky Bark Hut Inn in the heart of  fauna.  Then it’s was on to Ubirr to view  Oin the Gagudju Crocodile Holiday
  crocodile,  buffalo  and  barramundi  Aboriginal rock art galleries that date  Inn,  The crocodile shaped building in
  country.                             back thousands of years. After a climb  Jabiru,
        e drove on into Kakadu National  up  onto  the  escarpment,  we  were
  WPark, 20,000 square kilometres

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