Page 11 - Tasmania
P. 11
hursday, February 27 and after two he next day, Friday, February 28, we
nights in Stanley we depart on the Twalked down to the cruise boat for
next leg of our circumnavigation of our 2 hour River Cruise, which took in
Tasmania, on route to Strahan. the Gordon River and Sarah Island. We
spent the afternoon lazing around and in
the evening went to the Special play on
e head back to Wynyard then cut the story of Sarah Island.
Wacross country to Waratah, where
I was hoping to fill up the diesel but no
luck the garage there was keeping their
fuel for the local farmers. We pressed
on with the “fuel low” warning light well
lit up, eventually reaching Tullah
another 50 kilometres further on where
I took on nearly 80 litres of fuel.
e reached Strahan early
Wafternoon, and booked a cruise
for the next day before settling in for the
night at the local Caravan Park.
River Cruise
River Cruise