Page 18 - Eygpt
P. 18

aturday 22 nd  June, and we are up  dedicated  to  the  Pharaoh  Amun.  obelisk,  which  was  part  of  a
          S early  for  our  transfer  to  Cairo  Approximately  30  pharaohs        matching pair until the 1830s when
          airport for our flight to Luxor where  contributed to the temple’s structure  one  was  given  to  France.  It  now
          we are to embark our Nile cruise     over  time,  which  explains  its     stands in the centre of the Place de la
                                               monumental size!                      Concorde in Paris.
             ocated on the east bank of the Nile
          LRiver, the city surrounds two huge,       e  then  visited  Luxor  Temple,      e  visited  a  local  gallery  to
          surviving ancient monuments.         Wonce  connected  to  Karnak          Wappreciate the ancient artform
                                               Temple by a 3-kilometre-long Avenue   of  papyrus  craft,  we  took  the
              ur  sightseeing  began  at  the  of  Sphinxes.  Luxor  Temple  is  also  opportunity to purchase an artwork
          Ofascinating  Karnak  Temple,        home to a 25-metre-tall pink granite  to take home.

          L   uxor                             complexes in the Valley of the Kings,  is different. The sculpted bas-relief
                                               Valley of the Queens and the Tombs of
                                                                                     figures are still intact, and, in many
             uxor  is  a  very  important      the Nobles are the final resting places  tombs, the colours on the walls have
          Ldestination  for  any  visitor      of ancient Egyptian royalty. Though   barely faded.
          interested in Ancient Egypt. The main  the treasures that once filled them are
          attractions are not in the city itself, but  long gone, the tombs themselves are
          across  the  Nile.  The  funerary    very impressive works of art, and each

          N    ote on Nile Cruises:             packages.  This  allows  for  extensive  traffic  all  cruise  itineraries  are
                                                                                      subject to change without notice.
                                                sightseeing along the way and, as such,
             he  Nile  Cruises  featured  on  all  much of the time is spent in port in  The order and timing of sightseeing
          Ttourist itineraries to Egypt operate  Luxor,  Edfu,  Kom  Ombo  or  Aswan.  may therefore change however all
          between the cities of Luxor and Aswan.  Each cruise itinerary will however, have  inclusions will remain the same.
          These cities lie only 240km apart which  an  element  of  day-time  cruising  Similarly, travel through the Esna
          means  this  distance  could  easily  be  allowing you to relax and see life along  Lock is subject to river traffic and
          covered in only 1 or 2 days without   the river.                            local conditions which means you
          stops. However, due to logistical and      ote  on  Esna  Lock  and         may pass through the lock during
          scheduling  reasons  the  cruises  are  NItinerary Schedule: Please note    the night or have an extended wait
          offered  only  as  3,  4  and  7  night  that due to the high volume of river  prior to entering the lock.
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