Page 4 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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A Signature Event of the City of Thornton
Saturday, October 5 • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Community Park • York Street and Thornton Parkway
Harvest Fest Fishing Derby Low-Cost Produce Fair
8-11 a.m. • Grandview Ponds Seasonal produce will be priced at a lower cost First Responder Row
4401 E. 104th Ave. for all to enjoy. This event will be held weather Stop by and visit with representatives from the
This event is open to children 4-12 years of age permitting from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. or while supplies Thornton Fire Department, Thornton Police
when accompanied by an adult. last. Department and North Suburban Medical
In addition to the natural lake inhabitants, the Payment methods accepted: Cash, VISA, Center.You'll be able to explore Thornton's
lake will be stocked with fish for this event. MasterCard and Discover. antique fire truck, police e-motorcycles, a police
Prizes will be awarded for the longest fish Skate Park Competition cruiser as well as enjoy Operation Copsicle.
caught in the following age categories: 4-6, Autumn Tree Sale
7-9 and 10-12 year olds. A prize will also be 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thornton Forestry will be selling one inch caliper
awarded to the Most Authentic Fisherman. The Thomas J. Slocum Memorial Skate Park size trees that weigh approximately 20 pounds,
Participants must bring their own fishing pole, comes alive with the thrill of competition for making them easily transported. Cost is $50 per
bait and supplies. All types of bait and lures are scooters, bike riders and skateboarders! There tree payable by cash, check or credit card.
permitted. Cost is $1 per child. are three skill levels for scooter, bike and Hugo's Lucha Libre
Pancake Breakfast skateboard divisions. Registration fee is $5 Join us for live action Mexican wrestling
and registration begins at 8:30 a.m. A waiver
7:30-9:30 a.m.• Thornton Active Adult Center must be signed by a parent or guardian. We provided by Hugo's Wrestling Promotions.
11181 Colorado Blvd. will announce the 2024 Skate Park Competition Be amazed by the luchadores' spectacular
The Active Adult Center will be hosting an Series winners following the event! costumes and movements.
all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast for the HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. 10:15-10:45 a.m. I 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
community. The menu will include pancakes, For more information, please visit 1-1:30 p.m. I 3:30-4 p.m.
bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, juice and HarvestFest or call 303-255-7800. Kidz Zone
coffee. Fees: $4 Seniors 62+/Children 12 & Enjoy inflatables, a bungee trampoline, face
under and $6 Individuals ages 13-61. Food Court
Enjoy the full festival experience by partaking painting and a mini train. Many of the activities
A cash only Low-Cost Produce Fair will be in the assortment of menu items provided by are FREE, some require a small fee.
available during the Pancake Breakfast from our food vendors. From hotdogs and burritos to Retro Games
7:30-9:30 a.m. or until sold out. Stop by and funnel cakes and ice cream, there is something Participate in fair games such as Pumpkin
pick-up some healthy produce to take home. for every palate. Sit, relax and enjoy your meal Bowling, Autumn Bingo, Hula Scarecrow Toss,
Harvest Fest Marketplace in the picnic area located just outside the food Potato Sack Races, Cornhole and more. Try your
Experience great shopping provided by court. hand at these various activities for the chance
participating craft exhibitors, home businesses Beer Garden to win fun prizes.
and other various vendors as well as discover Adults age 21 and over are invited to stop by Children's Pumpkin Decorating
an array of exhibits from local businesses and the festival beer garden located next to the Kids come claim your free pumpkin and
nonprofit organizations. Larkridge Stage to socialize with other adults, decorate the gorgeous gourd with our various
while enjoying an ice-cold beverage. A photo ID array of stickers! This activity is for children
will be required to enter. only. One pumpkin per child. While supplies last.
For more information on parking and other festival happenings, please visit