Page 100 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 100

many large crocodiles (nobody in the world knows their number) i.e. the PNG jungle
            crocodiles or jungle-river alligators. Wow…………! (And we still had to pass their areas
            again  for  going  home).  The  situation  we  had  faced  was  due  to  ‘incorrect  timing’
            because NJE team had entered this area at the end of the rainy season (April 2017).
                  If one entered the area in the hot season a completely different picture would
            have been seen. The lake-and-weed area, and some swampy areas, passed at that
            time, in the next hot season, would become a huge field of weeds with a non-paved
            road across the field which could be passed by a 4-wheel driven jeep. In that case the
            village of Wandouw which looked like a small island in the rainy seasons was actually
            a large field area on the top of a hill with many rumah panggung encircled by a huge
            area of empty land full of weeds in the hot seasons. This huge area was surrounded
            again by the larger area of virgin jungles. All alligators and crocodiles would be gone,
            moving from the lake-and-weed area to the big rivers but they would be replaced by
            tigers,  lions  and  snakes  coming  out  from  the  jungles  and  entering,  hiding  and
            wandering in the field of weeds to look for their preys. What a wonderful Wandouw!
            The isolated village surrounded by the zoo-like environment with two totally different
            sceneries  in  two  different  seasons  i.e.  an  island  in  rainy  seasons  and  a  savanah
            encircled by forest in hot seasons is very rare and really unique.

            2017: At Wandouw – Testimony by Ev Benny Gozali with Ev TA Hartanto and Ps Morris W and the NJE
            sleeping barrack.

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