Page 152 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 152

2.  Greetings to the 2019 Batam Mukernas.

            NJE services from year to year have been getting better. The evangelical services have
            reached all regions in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, with many cities, towns and
            areas covered several times.

                  Although there were limited funds, because most of NJE funds have come from
            NJE members themselves, and some loyal donors, the crusades could still run well until
            the current age of 20-year at this moment.

                  At NJE, there is always an atmosphere of togetherness and familial approach in
            serving God. Thus encouraging us to remain faithful and give our bests for God.

            See you at the next Mukernas........ God bless.......

            Poedjo Boedihartono SE

            3.  The Title of the Gathering’s Sermon.

            This was a special bi-annual gathering due to the 20  anniversary celebration of NJE.
            Beside the Mukernas 2019 in Batam the celebration was also done in Singapura i.e. a
            visit  to  Sentosa  Islands.  Despite  many  thanks  and  gratefulness  to  God,  and  some
            happiness and cheerfulness among NJE members, a serious and great challenge still
            lied ahead.

                  That was the implementation of the Great Commission across the border of
            Indonesia  as  had  been  done  previously  several  times  to  neighbouring  countries.
            Moreover, as long as God still gives NJE time and breaths to His servants in NJE, the
            Great  Commission  shall  be  performed  completely  as  far  as  ‘the  end  of  the  earth’
            (Matthew 28: 19-20).

                  Considering  and  taking  into  account  the  above-said  Lord’s  mandate  the
            sermon’s title was chosen and defined shortly as follows:

                                     LEAVE LOCAL AND GO GLOBAL:

                              The Real Miraculous Extra-dimensional Living.
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