Page 158 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 158
The Schedule of Crusades and Planned Locations for Year 2020.
No. Schedule Planned Location Province Reference
1 February Jambi Jambi Ps. Ferry Bella
2 March Kutai East Kalimantan Ps. Rudy Wowor
3 Tenggarong, Kab. Kutai East Kalimantan Ps. Rudy Wowor
4 Samarinda East Kalimantan Ps. Rudy Wowor
5 April Dsn. Tanjung Selamat, Tanjung Sigoni, Kab. Batubara North Sumatera Ps. Adri Lamajido
6 Laut Tador, Kec. Sei Suka, Kab. Batu Bara North Sumatera Ps. Adri Lamajido
7 Nias North Sumatera Ps. Ferry Bella
8 June Wuwuk, Kec. Tareran, Kab. Minahasa Selatan North Sulawesi Ps. Morris Watuseke
9 Bolaang Mangondow North Sulawesi Ps. Rudy Wowor
10 July Mamuju West Sulawesi Ps. Ferry Bella
11 August Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Bangka Belitung Ps. Ferry Bella
12 September Morowali Central Sulawesi Ps. Rudy Wowor
13 Bunta Central Sulawesi Ps. Rudy Wowor
14 October Talaitad, Kec. Suluun, Kab. Minahasa Selatan North Sulawesi Ps. Morris Watuseke
15 Tompaso Baru, Minahasa Selatan North Sulawesi Ps. Morris Watuseke
16 November Kota Ambon Maluku Ps. Ferry Bella
17 Sorong West Papua Ps. Rudy Wowor
1 Eid Mubarak : May 2020
2 Sandai, Kab. Ketapang Ps. Ferry Bella
Teluk Batang, Kab. Kayong Utara Ps. Ferry Bella
Both of the areas above are located to the south of Pontianak city.
Distance of Supadio Airport to Sandai is about 6 hours; so is the distance from Sandai to Teluk Batang
which is too far to reach.
6. The Performance Report On NJE Evangelical Services in 2017-2018
a. Portion (%) of Crusade Frequency in 2017 by Regional (Area) Coordinator.
Year 2017: Reference Pastors/Evangelists vs Frequency.
Ps. Ferry A. Bella, S. Th 13
Ps. Adrianus Lamajido, S. Th 3
Ps. Jeffry Rengkung S. Th 3
Ev. Dra. Ratna Dewi 2
Ps. Morris Watuseke, S. Th 2
Ps. T. Timotius Manik, S. Th 2
Ps. Paulus Jayadi S. Th, M. Mis 1
Ps. Bernard K. Kapitan S. Th 1
Ps. Zakheus Sutaji, S. Th, M.Min 1