Page 172 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 172
I feel very happy to be able to take part in the Mukernas and the NJE 2 Decades Anniversary
Celebration.... very special... happy...and joyful... especially closed with a long table
banquet... after returning from Singapore. .. everything went well...smoothly...arrived
flawlessly...Thanks be to God...Thanks to NJE, Mr. Andreas and Mrs. Ratna and their
families....and the entire NJE big family...I am hope... if God wills...we can gather again at an
event, another moment that we have never seen, never heard of, never arisen in our
hearts...everything God has given to all those who love Him.Gb NJE
dr. Benny Gozali
Impression, Singapore is a clean, tidy, orderly, disciplined and orderly country. Residents,
buying, paying for things, queue in an orderly manner. Cross also at the designated place.
Throwing garbage / spitting is not careless. NJE participants, look together and compact. It
is our hope that the NJE service platform will grow even more to reach lost souls