Page 189 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 189

Chapter 7

                   The Friendship Mission Trip to USA: New Jersey and Oklahoma

            1.  The Trips and Services in New Jersey, NJ.

            The NJE team was accepted and hosted well by the beloved pastor i.e. Sr.Ps. Paul E.
            Koyongian from Christ Center Church. NJE had sent two separate teams i.e. in May and
            July 2022. The first team led by Ev. Daniel Andreano who also visited Ohio while the
            second  by  Ev.  Timothy  A.  Hartanto.  Both  teams  served  the  church  in  several
            consecutive Sunday ministries and some familial services as well.

            2022: In New Jersey, USA - ‘Good Friday Ministry at CCC by Ev Daniel A

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