Page 211 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 211
Chapter 8
The Restorative Mission Trip to Central Sulawesi, 2022: the First Post-
Pandemic Domestic Crusades to Donggala, Palu and Sigi
More than two years NJE was absent from the usual activities i.e. mission trips
and evangelical services in Indonesia due to restrictions on people mobilities especially
in 2020 and 2021. NJE started again its activities by the friendship mission trip to New
Jersey and Oklahoma, USA in the middle of 2022, and the restorative mission trip to
Central Sulawesi at the end of November, 2022.
Year 2022 : Locations of the Performed Crusades
1 November 25, 2022 Ds. Sibayu, Kab. Donggala Central Sulawesi Ps. Adrianus Lamajido, S. Th
2 November 27, 2022 Dsn. Gunung Potong, Ds. Tongoa, Kab. Sigi Central Sulawesi Ps. Adrianus Lamajido, S. Th
The crusades were arranged by Ps. Adri Lamajido and the local pastors in
Donggala and Sigi while the stop-over in Palu was for Sunday ministry. Both crusades
took place quite well with which Christmas celebrations were combinedly performed.
Therefore the titles of the sermons were defined and given as follows:
The Greatest God’s Gift: the Transformation of Jesus from Multi-dimensional God to
4-dimensional Human Being.
And also,
The Greatest X-mas Gift: Jesus Christ as the Stair of God.
The sermon was based on John 1: 51 and 3: 16. The summary of this sermon will be
made available in INJE website (to be established later).
Some of the snapshots of both crusades were given below. The joy of X’mas
clearly spreaded and fulfilled everybody in the crusades especially at those nights.
These might be due to the new understandings of Christmas meaning that God’s love
were actually and strongly proven not only in His suffering on the cross, or (started
since) on the trials, or (started since) at Gethsemane. In fact His suffering had already
started at the moment He was conceived by Maria i.e. the suffering due to the divine
transformation from unlimited Multi-dimensional God into limited 4-dimensional
human being. This is the truly great love of God! Praise and thank Lord Jesus!